Sunday, December 25, 2011

Install WINDOWS XP in 10 miniutes

We need to set up our PC in many reason frequently. For techi brothers, the installation is sugar water, but for newcomers its preety boring and tough.

It naturally takes more than 40 miniutes for a complete set up of Windows XP.
But what if we can perform this operation in only 10 miniutes??

Yes we can do it. So get ready.


1. Boot your XP with bootable CD.

2. After loading all files you will get selection option. Select "c".

3. Now formate the partition in normal NTFS or FAT formate.

4. After formatting all the files neccessary will be copied to "c:/" and the PC will restart itself.

This is where we will install in 10 miniutes.

5. After the restart you will see a screen that shows the installation. There you will see that the installtion will be completed in 40 miniutes.

6. Press Shift + F10, Command prompt will be open.

7. Type Taskmgr” and press enter.

8. Task manager will be open like the picture below.

9. Click on the "Process" tab.

10. Find setup.exe and right click on it.

11. Click set priority, Select High or Avobe Normal.


Now see how fast the installation hsa occured...


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